Welcome to Euklid, the 5-axis-milling pioneers!


A success story rich in tradition is continuing

Since the beginning of the software in the year 1971 EUKLID has moved through different periods in development as well as evolution. EUKLID was not just confronted with the exciting challenges in the market but also with changes of its environment.

1971 to 1973: As manager of the Department of Technical Informatics of the Swiss company Fides, a trust company of the Credit Suisse in Zürich, Professor Max Engeli with his team developed the software, which 1973 was given the name EUKLID. Initially, EUKLID was used for services, especially for the processing of aero- and hydrodynamic surfaces.

1973 to 1993: The curved free form surfaces of turbine blades demanded highest precision, which was very difficult to achieve by manual processes. The numerically controlled milling with EUKLID allowed to achieve repeatable and accurate results considerably faster. At the end of the 80´s EUKLID was the absolute leader in accurate calculation of all types of blending surfaces. In the year 1990, three years after the appointment of Mr. Engeli as Professor for Computer Science for Manufacturing at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, the owner of EUKLID, Fides, sold the product to strässle in Germany.

1993 to 2004: A few turbulent years after the takeover of the software lead to the insolvency of strässle. In the subsequent privatization process, EUKLID was taken over by the German company Man and Machine. But soon Man and Machine lost their interest in EUKLID. For this reason, the software was maintained during that time, but lacked essential developments. Despite the neglected development of the software many users still continued to work with EUKLID but demanded a solution for the future.

2004 to today: In the year 2004 the then retired Professor Engeli was informed that EUKLID was for sale. He convinced some former members of the EUKLID team of to come back and finally could buy back his innovation from the year 1971. In November 2004 he founded the Euklid CAD/CAM AG with registered office in Switzerland and established an independent branch office in Germany. The downward trend was quickly stopped and the team started to renew the software. The system was thoroughly revised and today Euklid is one of the leading companies in the area of 5-Axis-Milling. The biggest innovation in recent past was the newly developed software EUKLID GearCAM for the machining of gears, which was first presented to a big public at the fair METAV 2010 in Düsseldorf. In the meantime, EUKLID GearCAM finds increasing interest in the gear world, thanks to its excellent user interface, its uncompromising accuracy and its high reliability and stability. Since the end of 2014 Sandvik Coromant, a big Swedish tool manufacturer, also distributes EUKLID GearCAM, under the branded name of InvoMilling™.