Welcome to Euklid, the 5-axis-milling pioneers!


EUKLID offers intelligent solutions for numerous standard applications.

2.5 axis

With 2.5-axis machining, as defined, two axes move simultaneously, the third axis (".5") serving as the feed axis.

Contour controlled 2.5-axis machining includes:

  • Pocket milling (may be multiply nested)
  • Real contour milling, that means, tracing curves

Furthermore, multiple drilling and milling cycles are offered, such as centering, drilling, reaming, thread cutting, rectangular pocket milling, groove milling and circular pocket milling.

2.5-axis milling

Excavation and contour milling of pockets and contour milling of curves.

Pocket milling:

  • The pocket contours are defined by 2D-curves.
  • The pockets may be nested.
  • With one call, an arbitrary number of pockets may be machined.
  • Each pocket can include islands at various heights.
  • Cascades of pockets and islands (stepped tapering) are allowed.
  • Island levels are automatically machined.

Contour milling:

  • Simple or complex 2D-curves
  • The curves are traced directly or on one side
  • Open or closed curves

Drilling and milling cycles

EUKLID supports the drilling and milling cycles offered by the NC control.

A wide range of drilling and milling cycles are available:

Drilling, counterboring, countersinking, deep drilling, reaming, thread cutting, rectangular pocketsmilling and circular pocket milling (G73, G81, G82, G83, G84, G85, G86, G87, G89). If an NC control ignores a cycle, the postprocessor will create the necessary commands (known by the NC command) for this cycle.

Hint: See Drill Features.

Drill features

EUKLID’s drill features program easily recognizes all bore holes present in a workpiece.

Then the drilling cycles are executed, automatically machining all these bore holes.
With a 5-axis milling machine, the bore holes may be orientated in the space, as you like.
If necessary, machining sequences (centering, pre-drilling and finish drilling) may be defined, as you like.

3 axis

EUKLID CAD/CAM offers a wide range of 3-axis milling strategies, even a set axis (different to z-axis) is possible. These strategies allow you to achieve the desired quality. The residual material is automatically recognized and taken into account for the next machining steps.

All requirements are satisfied by these strategies. For example, you may define regions to machine them in a special way. Of course, all milling paths are collision free, even faulty surfaces or undercuts will never lead to injuries of the workpiece. The tool’s long service life and excellent milling surface are the result of such optimized milling strategies. To achieve that, the milling region gets separated in steep and flat zones. The transition angle, separating steep from flat zones, may be selected as you like.


Depending on the tool selected and material to be machined, several roughing methods are offered, including set axis (different to z-axis). EUKLID CAD/CAM’s highly flexible slug definition guarantees short machining times, avoiding unnecessary paths and machining paths in the air.

Automatic updating of the stock model allows several tools in a sequence, for optimum machining in shortest time. The tool paths may be rounded with free selectable radii, making them specially suited for HSC (high speed cutting) machining.

Result: Short machining times and long service times for the cutters.

3-axis finishing

The extensive milling strategies offered by EUKLID CAD/CAM meet all your finishing demands: 14 main strategies and multiple secondary and rest removal strategies achieve the desired optimum results.

Most strategies divide the geometry into steep and flat zones. E.g. the main strategy may be used for the steep zones where this strategy works well, and the flat zones can be machined with the secondary strategy (or vice versa). The transition angle between the zones can be selected as desired.

Rest removal strategies: The residual surfaces (grooves), not millable with the biggest cutter, will be machined with one or a sequence of smaller cutters. The combination of main, secondary and rest removal strategy results in an excellent milling surface.

5 axis - One of EUKLID’s strengths!

EUKLID CAD/CAM offers a wide range of strategies for 5-axis milling, allowing users to consistently achieve the desired surface quality. All functions are designed to enable even beginners to produce a 5-axis milling program easily, while at the same time allowing sophisticated, complex machining.

For example, unmilled residual material is automatically recognized and taken into account for further processing.

The various milling strategies satisfy every requirement. As for the 3-axis machining, regions for special machining may be defined. Of course, all milling paths are collision free, even faulty surfaces or undercuts will never lead to injuries of the workpiece. It’s simple to control the cutter axis, making 5-axis milling easy.

The most important characteristics are:

  • support for all cutter types (spherical, shaft, and torus cutters)
  • surface-guided tool axis
  • "quiet" axial movement through specification of an axis control geometry
  • relative positioning angles (inclination and tilt angles)
  • collision check and correction (linear and rotary)
  • extended approach strategies
  • milling of helical and spiral paths (helical milling)

5-axis roughing

Depending on geometry and the tools used, you may select from a wide variety of machining methods.Of course, any combination with 3-axis roughing is possible. EUKLID CAD/CAM’s highly flexible slug definition guarantees optimum processing with short machining times avoiding unnecessary paths and machining paths up in the air.

The automatically updated stock model allows roughing with several tools in a sequence, for optimum machining in shortest time. Using 5-axis roughing strategies generally results in very well prepared slugs, close to the geometry, avoiding long machining times.

5-axis finishing

The extensive milling strategies offered by EUKLID CAD/CAM fulfill all your finishing demands: 16 main strategies and several secondary and rest removal strategies achieve the desired optimum results: The highly effective 5-Axis finishing with spherical, shaft, and torus cutters generally produces good surface qualities and is a core competence of EUKLID CAD/CAM. Many powerful milling strategies are offered:

  • Finishing with milling paths calculation in parallel planes
  • u,v-finishing
  • Tracing single paths (groove tracing, region boundary tracing, contour projection tracing, or u,v polygon tracing)
  • Point approach
  • Milling 3-axis paths with 5 axis strategy
  • Z-level finishing
  • and finally: parallel to a guide surface
  • as well as several roll-off strategies

These wide-ranging milling functions fulfill every special demand. Some strategies are geometry-oriented; others use a guide surface to define the milling paths. Furthermore, there are special functions, for example to machine rotary work pieces.

Rest removal strategies:
The residual surfaces (grooves), not millable with the biggest cutter, will be machined with one or a sequence of smaller cutters. This combination of main, secondary and rest removal strategy results in an excellent milling surface and high surface quality.